Planting a Wood Sprite Garden
Wood sprites, also known as wood pixies, are thought to only be found in fairy tales, and Great Britain. They do, of course, exist in real life and will make their home in your garden if they find it appealing to do so. You can’t miss these creatures of the forest; they are usually very small in size, with wings, and wear clothes made out of flower petals. Rose petals are a favorite among the female wood sprites, while the males tend to wear daisy petals. Planting a garden to attract these creatures is quite easy, and can be done near a tree that has blossoms, such as the dogwood or apple tree.
For the actual wood sprite garden, mark out an area approximately 5′ by 3′ in size. The layout will be close to a small narrow closet, which will make for a comfortable home once the wood sprites do move in. Divide the area into three sections, where the flowers will be planted. Morning glories, four o’clocks, roses, daisies, lady slippers, violets, bloodroot, and ferns will all provide an attractive home for the wood sprites in your locale. Between each section should be a small path for walking.
In the first section, plant the rosebushes. This can be one or two different types, provided there is enough space for each to grow. Wood sprites love red roses, but pink roses are also nice, since they can disguise themselves among the flowers. Make sure the soil is well drained, with some compost added to encourage blossoming through the spring and summer seasons.
In the next section, plant four other flowers. For the morning glories, set up a small trellis, since this plant likes to climb upwards. Violets will look lovely when planted right next to the morning glories and provide a rich blue-violet color for your wood sprites. They will also come up each year, spreading to create a purple carpet in the garden.
In the last section, plant the remaining three flower types. Save some of the daisies and ferns to plant as a backdrop to the three sections already planted. This backdrop will provide cozy little homes for the wood sprites when they go to take their mid-afternoon naps.
After all of the flowers and the ferns are planted, water them well. The next part of the garden includes providing a water source for the wood sprites. The first thing that comes to mind is a birdbath, but the sprites prefer something a bit lower that is within their reach. You can use a birdbath dish, placed on a flat rock that is raised about 6″ from the ground, and fill it with water. The birds will use the water, too, but the sprites have no trouble sharing with their feathered friends. The wood sprites already have their food source, the flowers, where they can get their nectar when they get hungry.
Check the garden every few days to see if it needs watering. Do not be alarmed if all of a sudden you hear the tiny giggle of some woodland creatures who have found their way into your yard and garden. Simply make them feel welcome, and they will stay as long as you let them.
Image Credit: Illustration by Rackham, Arthur. From Undine by Friedrich de La Motte Fouqué. London New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, William Heinemann, 1909.