Armadillos in southwest Florida: The Newhart quadruplets
It was the month of February in 2023 when the Newhart quadruplets were born. Luckily the birth was an easy one for their mother Cindy Lou, who gazed fondly at her nursing babies. From an early age, the Newhart quadruplets were well taught by their mother: one, to start seeking food on their own once they received their nine bands, and second, to never dart off in front of a moving vehicle on a busy road. Named Billy Joe, Bobbie Sue, Linda Mae, and Jim Bob, the Newhart quadruplets were armadillos.

They first emerged from their burrow in an overgrown lot in southwest Florida that spring, the sun shining on their faces through a forked bush as they walked westward to seek food. Linda Mae took delight in the scent of the bitter melon blossoms nearby, while her two brothers spread out a bit as they sniffed the ground, using their acute sense of smell to discover food.

“This way!” called Billy Joe over his left shoulder to the other three, who soon found themselves in a yard well-known for its wildlife population. In fact, the person who lived there, a youngish middle-aged lady, was quite used to seeing rabbits, raccoons, snakes, and geckos on the property. But a family of young armadillos? That was a first.

That very day, Sunday, February 5, the armadillos suddenly glanced upwards at the sky ever so briefly, only to see the lady looking at them in surprise out the window. The young armadillos continued eating what insects they could find, walking in a close group together along the hedge of various bushes so as not to lose sight of their home.

One day the lady decided to sit outside on the plastic green deck chair and read a book. It was not yet the end of February, but it was warm enough outside to take in some sun. Around the corner of the house scuffled one of the armadillos, only a few feet away from the lady who held an open book in her lap. It was Jim Bob, who decided to search for his meal in the backyard that day while Billy Joe, Bobbie Sue and Linda Mae were off in the front yard digging under a small tree for something to eat.

Pretending to be in a hurry, Jim Bob did not really notice that the lady was looking at him nonchalantly. By the time the lady was ready to go back inside, the Newhart armadillos were playing in the front yard. Bobbie Sue almost ran into the lady as she was getting ready to enter the front door. Getting almost underfoot, Bobbie Sue moved quickly, only to later be castigated by Jim Bob. “You almost got us thrown off the property”, he told Bobbie Sue, whose tiny armadillo face turned red if only for a moment.

“Sorry,” Bobbie Sue quickly replied, as she moved away from the front yard into the bushes. Linda Mae joined her, and with Billy Joe and Jim Bob, finished their meal and headed back home.

Image credit: All images Copyright Zindbar.