Photo Stories / February 5, 2023

Bighorn Sheep at Estes Park: The Bromley Family  

“It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it Jerusha my dear.” Abner Bromley lifted his head up in the direction of the cars slowly driving by. He returned to munching on the grass. Abner was a handsome ram, with his elegant curling horns and narrow face. Jerusha didn’t marry him for just his looks, however; she fell in love with him for his gentle manners and beautiful white markings on his hind legs. Jerusha stood and admired her husband, forgetting that several dozen humans stopped their cars to watch them.

“Abner, it is more than a beautiful day, it is the perfect day for us.” Jerusha Bromley walked up to Abner and rubber her face in his shoulder while some humans were taking moving pictures of them with their cell phone cameras.

“My dear, we are being photographed,” Abner protested. He was wary of humans taking photos of his wife and himself in intimate situations.

“Let them,” Jerusha replied. She kissed Abner’s cheek. The rest of their family stood still while the humans continued silently photographing them.

Bighorn sheep in Estes Park, Colorado, 2008
Bighorn sheep in Estes Park, Colorado, 2008. Credit: Zindbar.

Abner suddenly changed his mind. “You are right, my dear, they have nothing on us. After all, we can escape into the Rocky Mountains.” Abner occasionally bent down his head to nibble some grass. Jerusha glanced back at the family, relieved that they were well trained to not get too close to visitors to their natural home.

Bighorn sheep in Estes Park, Colorado, 2008
Bighorn sheep in Estes Park, Colorado, 2008. Credit: Zindbar.

Abner and Jerusha asked each other when they should move on. “It looks like the humans have been entertained long enough by our presence, Abner. Plus, it’s time for the children’s afternoon naps.” Jerusha lovingly looked at their children.

Bighorn sheep in Estes Park, Colorado, 2008
Bighorn sheep in Estes Park, Colorado, 2008. Credit: Zindbar.

“Let’s get on then, Jerusha my dear.” Abner motioned to his family to return to their mountain home. The Bromley family smiled, knowing they gave the human visitors the pleasure of seeing wildlife in the Rocky Mountains.  

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