Plant a Yellow Chrysanthemum and Blue Rock Garden
Almost everyone appreciates a rock garden, especially those that have interesting rocks in colors and shapes not frequently found elsewhere. During the fall season, a rock garden combined with yellow chrysanthemums can be especially beautiful and colorful. The best color to complement yellow here is blue, so blue rocks will be used in this garden layout.
You can go rock hunting in your yard, or in the woods where you will have access to this type of rock. Granite frequently has bluish tones, in addition to chunks of quartz stuck in them. These rocks are the prettiest, for the quartz catches the sunlight and makes the rocks shine in your garden. You can also use blue minerals like kyanite, celestine, fluorite, or sodalite in your garden. Even though the minerals may be much smaller in size compared to those found in abundance in your present environment, a purchased piece through a gem and mineral store can add that special touch among the chrysanthemums that you will plant.
Once you have collected the rocks from the ground, wash them off with the hose and let them dry in the sun. Mark out where you will have the rock garden. A color combination like this looks best in the front yard, where it can be appreciated by everyone who passes your home. It does not have to take up a large spot of land, either. A section that is 4 feet by 2 feet in size is big enough for several yellow chrysanthemum plants. This can be anywhere by the front of the house, such as by the front door, to another side, underneath a living room window. Decide where the best spot is before your plant the flowers.
Arrange the rocks on the ground where the chrysanthemums will be planted. Dig out the holes in the ground where the flowers will be planted. Do not worry if the area is slightly shady, for chrysanthemums will grow in partial shade. If desired, mix some mulch into the soil before planting the chrysanthemums. Cover up the roots well, then water the plants. Adjust the position of the rocks next to the plants, if necessary. The yellow chrysanthemums will brighten up your yard, and the blue-toned rocks will make them look even brighter. Don’t forget to give your flowers weekly attention with watering, and fertilization at east once during its growing season. Your rock garden will get you many compliments from your friends and neighbors.
Image Credit: Laitche, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.