Bizarre / May 27, 2021

Legend of the Faceless People of Monroe, Connecticut

In the tiny town of Monroe in Fairfield County, Connecticut, there is a desolate old barn in the woods that has been boarded up long ago. There is no paved road leading to the barn, and the dirt road that does exist is covered with gnarled tree trunks and roots. Yet if you were to hike through the woods you might hear strange voices coming from inside the barn, sounds like they might belong to otherworldly beings. If you arrive at nightfall you will see a glimpse of light behind a crack between the boards that cover the windows. No shadows can be made out, nothing human, anyways. What lurks within the solid walls of this two-story barn that lacks a fresh coat of paint?

Called by the locals “The House of the Faceless People”, legend has it that a group of unfortunates live in this old barn with one caretaker who is never seen leaving or entering it. Presumedly the caretaker goes out only at midnight with his charges so that they can at least get some fresh air. The sunlight is not favorable to these individuals who have no face: they have no eyes, nose, or ears, just a mouth outlined with pale lips, and bony hands grasping around constantly as if trying to find their way in the world. Curiosity seekers who are clever enough to locate the old barn are usually chased away by the caretaker. Yet there have been reports in Monroe of the occasional faceless person who decided to take a stroll through the woods and make his way to the main road when the caretaker was not looking. The unfortunate would unintentionally frighten a citizen on the way to the grocery store or bank, darting out in front of the car only to have the driver startled, thinking a wild animal was in the way.

The caretaker of the faceless people remains apart from the community, most likely to maintain the privacy of himself and his special “family.” Even the faceless people of this house deserve respect, too, accepted by society or not. While many questions remain about these people, especially where they came from and how they came to be faceless, the barn remains impenetrable to all who pass it, daring to walk up close to the building, if only to scared away by the caretaker. To date, none of the faceless people have ever been caught on camera, but perhaps that is due to the fact they are clever enough to move quickly away from the rest of the town of Monroe.

Image Credit: Michaelphayes, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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