Photo Stories / May 28, 2021

The Tuxedo Cat Gets Shaved

The problem with being a partial long-haired cat is the presence of matted and knotted sections of fur that tend to rise when the winter coat grows out and the summer coat grows in. Luckily, cats can go shaved during the warmer months, but it is not recommended for long haired cats to be shaved during the winter months. Our young lady tells of her adventures being shaved at the vets. Her words verbatim:

Pooki after her shave at the vet's
Pooki after her shave at the vet’s. Credit: Zindbar.

“The first thing they did was to hold me down while a pair of electric clippers ran down my body and upper legs. It didn’t hurt, but the noise from the shaver did hurt my ears. By the time I got home in the cat carrier, I ran to the nearest mirror and looked at my reflection. I looked funny to me, with a skinny body that was shaved, a fluffy face and tail. From the rear view, I looked like I was given a Brazilian wax job. But I did feel more comfortable with all those knots and matted sections removed.”

Here she is outside, enjoying the warm weather:

Pooki enjoying the out of doors after being at the vet's for her annual shave.
Pooki enjoying the out of doors after being at the vet’s for her annual shave. Credit: Zindbar.

I would like to thank the young lady for sharing a personal side of herself, a cat who received a radical grooming treatment, for her better happiness. Not to fear, her fur coat grew back well and healthy. The tuxedo cat is now going inside for her lunch, a can of wet cat food, flavor chicken and rice.

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